2022 Roc Mencia
VINGÅRD: Mencia 80-100 år gamla blandat med mindre andelar Dona Blanca, Palomino och Alicante Bouschet. Mencia från två mindre vingårdsplotter El Couso och La Ratasom ligger i Valtuille.
JORDMÅN: Sand och lerjord med skiffer.
VINIFIKATION:Druvorna handskördades. 100% hela klasar användes under spontanjäsningen som skedde på stora öppna träfat.Vinet lagrades sedan 14 månader på använda Barrique-fat. En liten andel svavel tillsattes innan buteljering.
The serious and slightly more reticent 2022 ROC was very recently bottled and needed a little more time in the glass to open up. This is the first wine she ever produced in Bierzo in 2010, and it has kept the elegant profile through the years. In the very warm 2022 vintage, she picked the grapes on September 2 and, thus, managed to keep contained ripeness and alcohol (13.3%). It fermenting with full clusters in large oak vats and aged in 228-liter oak barrels for 16 months. It's textured and juicy, with very fine tannins, a rounder mouthfeel and great purity of flavors. 4,972 bottles were filled in March 2024.
Luis Gutierrez Jun 20, 2024
Wine Advocate: 95 Poäng